Wednesday, April 10, 2013

LinkedIn Is Preferred By Executives

LinkedIn Is Preferred By Executives:

  • LinkedIn remains the top social media site for business executives (directors and above), according to a recent survey conducted by DHR International and Modern Survey. While LinkedIn holds on to this top billing, executives indicated that Twitter (27%) and Facebook (44%) were sites that they use often.

  • Despite the increased awareness and “noise” about Twitter and blogs, very few executives consider them to be their preferred social media vehicle.

  • The executives also indicated that they would use social media more if:

    - If it were helpful to their business—90%
    - If they were actively looking for a new career opportunity—86%
    - If the items learned were consistently high value—85%
    - If they thought it was a better use of their time 80%
    - If they better understood the benefits ~60%
    - If they had a better experience with the tools ~50%

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