Tuesday, November 6, 2012

St. Louis Social Media and PR Experts to Present at PRSA Tech Day

This Friday, I'll be speaking with a few awesome Saint Louis social media colleagues of mine at the Public Relations Society of America's Saint Louis Chapter "Tech Day." It's in the afternoon. Here's an overview of what I'll be speaking about. Hope you can join me!

Influencer Marketing: Finding and Targeting Online Influencers to Increase Market Awareness
Erin Moloney will explain how she has learned, over the past several years, to leverage social networks like Twitter and LinkedIn, as well as third party tools, to find and engage with highly influential professionals and members of the mdeia.

She will talk about how you can efficiently foster a professional relationship and rapport with key influencers, how to engage with them over time, and ultimately how you can best leverage these relationships to enhance your company's visibility and get the word out about your key messaging and announcements.

Erin will talk through the following and provide examples:
  • Some great social media tools (both free and paid) available right now for finding influencers
  • Examples of how to alter your understanding of keyword searching to really find influential professionals
  • How to effectively reach out and engage, establishing a meaningful rapport and relationship
  • Working your way toward a the right time to ask for a mention or a feature story

PRSA St. Louis Tech Day 2012

Friday, November 9, 2012, 1 to 5 p.m. -- Opening speaker and program to begin at 1:15 p.m.

Mercy Conference Center
14528 South Outer Forty Road
Chesterfield, Missouri 63017

PRSA members: $55
Non-members: $75
Students with I.D. $40


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Thank you for commenting on my blog post! I really appreciate the conversation. -Erin

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