- Are You a Social Media Star? Accenture Is Looking for You. - At Work - WSJ
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(via Social Media: An Occupation on the Rise (Infographic)PR News)
The advent of digital media promised a great leap forward: not only the ability to monitor what ads consumers saw and responded to, but potentially to make a direct connection from the advertising to the purchase itself.
Businesses could actually count the visitors to a website, the number of searches, the clicks on an ad and the “likes” on a Facebook page. But despite the promise and the progress, and despite an overwhelming amount of information available, measuring the value of advertising on digital media channels is complicated and challenging—especially in terms of making the connection back to the actual sale.
"For many experts, the better solution is cross-channel attribution: a method that can find unique customers across different media—ideally both online and traditional media—and ultimately connect those consumers with their real purchase data, whether those purchases happen online or in stores.
Being able to see how consumers respond to and are influenced by the frequency and styles of advertising on various media can help marketers make future spending decisions."
Teens are still dominant users when it comes to social media. BUT… us adults reign when it comes to the coolest social media platform out there right now: Instagram.
Does it sound like “jif” or “gif”? @nickgilham @ambabka
So this happened tonight
Does it sound like “jif” or “gif”? @nickgilham @ambabka
Very interesting perspective on what “leaning in" really resulted in for one woman. It reminds us that there are many variables at play here.
Seven years ago, I was 29 and desperate to avoid the label “stay-at-home mom” in case it stuck forever. But how much damage would I have done to my career, really, if I’d told my boss: I quit? Or: See you in mediation?
Looking back now, I wish I’d leaned out. Leaning in was a gesture of timidity. I was too scared of what I might lose, and ended up sacrificing the good situation my family already had. We could have found a way to get by.
So, my advice to the working mothers (and fathers) of America: Think carefully before leaning in. Remember that not every risk is worth taking. And make sure your boss puts everything in writing.
“IBM’s Social Media Analytics in the cloud focuses on what matters. It operates on the understanding that companies no longer control the conversation; they participate and influence,” said Michael Porter, principal of the portal and social practice at Perficient.
Sprint is also sponsoring the delivery of instant replays of the best moments from games, taking advantage of a Twitter and NBA partnership to post game highlights on Twitter during the playoffs using the #NBARapidReplay hashtag.
This is the first time that real-time video technology in tweets has been used for professional sports, giving fans timely content in-Tweet, per Digitas.
Great stats on Twitter usage!
Hashtags are a first step in surfacing relevant and important public conversations. Over time, our goal is to build out additional functionality for marketers including trending hashtags and new insights so that you can better understand how hashtags fit into your overall Facebook advertising strategies and drive your business objectives.
“It is imperative that universities begin to seriously change their marketing curriculums to reflect the evolution of marketing and business being driven by technology or they will be outdated and irrelevant,” said Perry D. Drake, academic director and assistant teaching professor at UMSL.
Selling through social channels (social selling) is the closest thing to being a fly on the wall in your customers, prospects and competitor’s world. Using Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, and other social media – supplies information that is almost impossible to obtain through traditional means. A lead today can be someone complaining on Twitter that their current vendor is driving them crazy. It can be a question in a LinkedIn group. It can be a unassuming comment on a Facebook page. Today, leads are far more than a call from a friend, a business card from an event or a chance encounter on a flight.
The phrase; “Go where you customers are.” has always been true and now it’s truer than ever. Your customers and prospects use social media.
"In 2013, the ultra-connected customer base will grow at a staggering pace, destabilizing marketing as you've come to know it."
CMOs know that increasing their investment in analytics is a key to…
Driving the competitiveness of their business in the marketplace
Ensuring the ongoing relevance of their department within the organization
The increased complexity of the job has made CMOs more fulfilled, challenged and respected, resulting in a big shift in how long they stick around.
The reason companies like Southwest Airlines, Apple and Whole Foods have loyal followings is because they tell us what they believe.
A Facebook fan is worth $174 to a brand, up 28% since 2010, according to Syncapse, a social media marketing firm.
the thing we like about working on the client side is that you can advocate, encourage and sell through amazing work in ways you just would not have been able to do on the agency side.
This week Salesforce announced the launch of Social.com – a social advertising solution that brings the power of Radian6 (R6) and Buddy Media (BM) together
(via How to Optimize Your Business Blog [Checklist] | Unbounce)
- the signs are everywhere that the CMO’s position is increasing in importance
- in 2006 the average CMO tenure was just 23.2 months, whereas by 2012 CMOs generally have tenure of 43 months.
- LinkedIn remains the top social media site for business executives (directors and above), according to a recent survey conducted by DHR International and Modern Survey. While LinkedIn holds on to this top billing, executives indicated that Twitter (27%) and Facebook (44%) were sites that they use often.
- Despite the increased awareness and “noise” about Twitter and blogs, very few executives consider them to be their preferred social media vehicle.
- The executives also indicated that they would use social media more if:
- If it were helpful to their business—90%
- If they were actively looking for a new career opportunity—86%
- If the items learned were consistently high value—85%
- If they thought it was a better use of their time 80%
- If they better understood the benefits ~60%
- If they had a better experience with the tools ~50%
Great article. Here is my summary:
5 specific ways salespeople can use LinkedIn
How they should not use LinkedIn in sales:
A survey by content curation software provider Curata found that engagement was the most frequently cited objective of content marketing among US B2B marketers.
- Branding isn’t as important in B2B as it is in B2C
- Last-click measurement provides an accurate picture of where your marketing dollars are working
- Getting in front of the right company makes for successful B2B marketing
- All B2B targeting is all created equally
- Display advertising doesn’t drive leads
- Business marketers need to stick to delivering a message to businesspeople within a business environment
- Businesspeople always want personalized marketing
When successful, it engages buyers in an exchange of ideas that delivers value to both sides — buyers and sellers — while positioning your firm as a trusted source of great information. And the market, not your marketing department, tells you when your stuff reaches true thought leading status.
- “The era of the CMO is now here,”
- more software sales are being driven by marketing and IT spending is no longer restricted to IT departments of a company
- most marketers are under intense pressure to show tangible returns on the money they spend.
- nearly two-thirds of CMOs expect return on marketing investment to be the primary measure of their effectiveness by 2015
- 57% of the buying process is complete before a B2B buyer ever contacts a salesperson
- The smartest companies dedicate a greater portion of their marketing budgets to improving their fundamental understanding of effectiveness, interactivity, and causality across marketing programs.
- marketing is now investing a tremendous amount of money into technology
- The IT and the marketing people are aligned almost all the time on advanced and emerging applications
- Jauchius credits the appointment of a “marketing technologist” position as the single liaison between marketing and IT with helping define roles and identify the kinds of multi-talented staff members needed to power digital marketing initiatives like customer analytics.
- This role is the best way to make sure you have a collaborative relationship between marketing and tech